
Prof. Dr. Silvia Reuvekamp
- Project lead
- Professor of Medieval Literature, Vice Dean for Digitalisation and Development of New Teaching Formats

Friedrich Bach
- Technische Entwicklung und Umsetzung
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Incub.AI

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bernhardt
- Content development and usage
- Professor of Literature and Media Didactics

Alina Hemmer
- Coordination / Content development and evaluation
- Co-Founder and CEO colloc.AI

Dr. Jens Lechtenbörger
- Content development and application
- Post-Doc Chair of Machine Learning and Data Engineering

Ninja Schmiedgen
- Project coordination / Content development and evaluation
- Research assistant

Jonathan Wandscheer
- Technical development and deployment
- REACH-Scout, Incub.AI

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wiesel
- Content development and application
- Professor for Value-Based Marketing, Scientific Director REACH-EUREGIO Start-up Center

Extraordinary Prof. Dr. Sonja Gensler
- Content development and application
- Extraordinary Professor for Value-based Marketing

Tobias Zimmermann
- Technical development and realisation
- Co-Founder and CTO of colloc.AI

Prof. Dr. Malte Schilling
- Content development and application
- Professor for Practical Computer Science